Traumatic events often occur without prior notice and can affect your employees, sometimes your entire workplace. Timely evaluation of traumatic events and decisions surrounding the next steps are critical. At this point, we support and guide your employees with the Sento Post-Traumatic Support Program.
Online psycho-social training service for employees exposed to trauma.
Online video psychological support with one-on-one counseling.
Guidance in areas such as marriage, relationship, child and adolescent, individual, career planning, etc. affected by the traumas experienced.
Trauma information manual.
Traumatic events often occur without prior notice to the head of your organization and can negatively impact your employees, sometimes your entire workplace.
Timely evaluation of these internal traumatic events that negatively affect company employees such as occupational accidents, natural disasters, sudden deaths and psychological support given are critical.
The most effective method is the “Traumatic Event Support Program”, where you can get support from Sento with its expert team in the field of trauma.
Available for organizations of all sizes and industries. We support organizations with traumatic event management. Our trauma team has experience guiding organizations and managers.
Wherever, whichever shift, with whomever, and whatever job they may be working, being there for them the moment they need someone to talk to.
Occupational accidents, suicide attempts, sudden deaths, epidemic periods, natural disasters, etc. All situations that develop suddenly and cause trauma on all or some of the employees.
Our Post-Traumatic Support program service is suitable for organizations of all sizes and sectors.
Of course. You can get one-to-one online counseling for your employee who needs support after a traumatic event.
You can reach us at or on our office line 0850 480 87 80.
Frequently Asked Questions and answers about Post-Traumatic Support Program.
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